Walking and "Talking"

I've been video-documenting some of Ellie's milestones the past couple of days and wanted to share them with you.
Here's a clip showing some of Ellie's signing vocabulary. She knows about 20 signs now, limited only by how fast we teach them to her. They may not be perfectly formed according to American Sign Language but we know what she means. Here's a site that shows more baby-oriented signs.
After taking her first few faltering steps a few weeks ago, she's quickly gaining confidence in getting around. Here's a clip of her going back and forth between two different toys as I try to lure her into showing off. Just to prove that she can do it, here's one where she has slightly farther to go to get to her goal.
Even when she's not walking, she's able to get in and out of the house now, in and out of her sandpit, and cross the garden. We looked away for a moment yesterday and the next thing we knew she was trying to get out the back gate! Zoiks.
There's lots more I could show you -- feeding herself, going up and down stairs, etc. But that will have to wait until another day.
Thank you both for sharing Bunny's development in this way. It makes the miles seem less far.
Okay...you guys have done it, I've become an Ellie junkie!!
Tammy & Lonny
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