Out and About: Dublin

But what else to do while in Dublin? Well, one couldn't miss the Guinness beer factory. And no, Joel (pictured at right) is not a two fisted sampler of the wares, he's simply holding mine while I took a picture. Actually, the ladies of our group did decide they could miss the Guinness factory and did some shopping instead.

We were surprised to learn that a robin is not a robin is not a robin. As we watched this pretty bird leap from tombstone to tombstone, fluffing its feathers to ward off the cold, we heard someone call out, "Look at the robin!" "Where?" I asked. After a bit of confusion about what kind of kindergartens they have in America where a kid can grow to his (very) late thirties and not know what a robin is, we learned that this is indeed what a robin looks like in the British Isles. In case any Brits are reading this and want to know what I'm talking about, here's a picture of an American robin — pretty different, eh?
We rounded off the day with an hour's relaxing in an old (ancient?) pub complete with peat fires. Ahhh...as long as one doesn't think about how early the alarm clock has to go off to get to the airport for a 6:30am departure.

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