Our Little Engine
After weeks of waiting with guarded (and even fearful at times) anticipation, we had the joy of hearing Baby Barrett's heartbeat on Friday! At our appointment with Margaret (our midwife) we had the normal array of questions about how Crystal was doing, whether there were any problems, and so on. When it seemed like we were finished, we nervously asked if we were going to try for the heartbeat. "Oh yes of course," she said, "Hop up on the table!" So Crystal did and within a few (long) moments of poking around with the fetal doppler thing-a-ma-jig, there it was! Now I must admit, the sharp clear sound reminded me less of heartbeat than an old timey steam engine we saw at the Hope, Arkansas watermelon festival last summer. In any case, he/she is definitely a strong one!
Listen for yourself and let us know what you think!