Day 5 -- More Excitement
It's hard to keep up with all of the excitement around the Barrett house these days, but we'll do our best to keep your inquiring minds satisfied. I guess it's sort of like home movies, but at least you can fast-forward....

Ellie was meeting all sorts of people today. Crystal had said that she was going to keep her cloistered for a few weeks, but it's just too much fun to show her off! We had the special treat of two midwife visits today. As I noted yesterday, Ellie tends to be well-behaved in front of the midwife -- latching on and feeding with wild abandon. But when Sharon visited this morning she gave her a demonstration of what life is normally like around here at feeding time (well, maybe not "normally" but at least "occasionally"). She was wailing up a storm, getting a few gulps and then getting tired or bored or something, with none of the standard tricks doing much good. Nothing is really wrong, but Ellie just isn't always as cooperative as she could be (maybe a little of her father's orneriness has snuck into her genes). Sharon said she would check back in the afternoon to make sure the next feed had gone better. But to our delight Margaret (pictured above), the midwife who take care of most of our pre-natal needs, popped by for a cuppa while Ellie gave a splendiferous performance.

And what day would be complete without a case of the hiccups? It's probably not nice to giggle when your darling is confused by her body's rhythmic convulsions, but it's hard not to when you see something that's so cute! Click on the image to watch the captivating video. How could tomorrow be any more exciting??
Thanks for the video. It is nice to hear Ellie as well as see her.
She looks so alert. She's amazing.
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