Hitchhiker's Guide to Pregnancy

Now what would the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy say about pregnancy? Well, probably that the best way to take your mind off of being three days overdue is to go see the movie!

We thought that most of you were sweet
Especially tiny tots and your pregnant women
I know one particular pregnant woman that I find to be most sweet. Maybe you know her too?
And what better way to round off possibly our last Friday night as just the two of us? Why with fish'n'chips...possibly the best in the world!

P.S. Yes, we've already noted the possibility of naming her "Blair" with "Tony" as a nickname, but maybe not....
Hi Rob and Crystal,
This is so exciting! We are on pins and needles awaiting the arrival of your daughter. We pray for a quick labor and a healthy mom and little girl!
Love, Bill and Kayo
We've been checking several times a day to see if you've had the baby! Abby likes the picture of your belly, Crystal!
Lookin' good Dr. Mom!! Matthew and I are soooooo excited for you guys. We are (im)patiently waiting with you:) Much love from Texas to my favorite med school croonie! -Allison
Hey Rob and Crystal...You do nice work! Kisses Ellie!! LOVE!!! Mary & Fred
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