Pulling Up Weeds

I later went out and weeded a second bed beside the fence. Somewhere in here we're going to attempt some better-late-than-never vegetable growing. We'll see how it goes. You'll also see there in the corner our newly acquired compost bin (courtesy of the Durham City Council). It's good to be composting again, though I keep forgetting and throwing things in the trash — but Nana always catches me with an "Ah, ah, ahhhh...compost!" (By the way, pay no attention to our neighbor's lush green lawn on the other side of the fence...we're just getting started).
And since I know you didn't come here to see our garden, here's a new picture of Ellie shortly after Daddy gave her a bath for the first time (his first, not hers). She seems to have survived, but was happy to see Mommy.

She is absolutely beautiful! I don't know that I've ever seen such a pretty baby. I've had your gift for a while but haven't mailed it yet. Hopefully it will be on the way soon.
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